LP Boost: a New Earning Pool on zkSwap Finance

LP Boost Earning Pool is live

Table of Content

  • Summary
  • Counted USD calculation: an example
  • Simple Step-By-Step Tutorial
  • LP Boost: New Earning Pool to boost liquidity
  • To Galxe Liquidity Providers who helped bootstrap zkSwap

⭐ Summary

  • Pool Live on 22nd July 2023 12:00 UTC.
  • Reward: Airdrop (See below)
  • Join here: zkSwap.finance/earn

At zkSwap, we airdrop supporters based on their contribution.

  1. By adding liquidity ETH-USDC and/or USDT-USDC then “Join Pool”, you earn Airdrop Allocation for Liquidity Providers (LPs)
  2. You are FREE to WITHDRAW liquidity anytime & any amount & any liquidity pool.
  3. Reward: Airdrop. Our last rough estimation gives nearly 90% return for 2 months liquidity for Galxe participants who added liquidity. Read more: here
  4. 1.5%-2% ZF Total Supply (15,000,000–20,000,000 ZF) will be airdropped for LPs (including Galxe Zeus NFT Campaign Participants) (see Tokenomics).
  5. More liquidity added & kept longer, more airdrop awarded.
  6. Your Counted USD increases with time and is proportional to your LP value & time in liquidity pools. Your reward is proportional to your Counted USD.
  7. Airdrop will be daily released after our Token Generation Event (TGE).
  8. Available to join until 31th August 2023. Rewards finalized after TGE.

Join here: zkSwap.finance/earn

⭐ Counted USD calculation: an example

  • You added $1000 in liquidity and kept it in the liquidity pool for 2 months, your Counted USD will be $1000.
  • If you withdraw all after 1 month, your Counted USD will be $500
  • If you choose to withdraw $500 of your liquidity, let’s say after 1 month, and keep $500 for the second month. Your Counted USD after 1 month is $1000*30/60 = $500. Second month gives you $500*30/60 = $250 more. Your final Counted USD is then $750.
Your Counted USD = (Your Added Liquidity)*(Time in Pool)/60 days
(60 days is locked period of Galxe LP participants. This is to ensure fairness)

⭐ Simple Step-By-Step Tutorial

  1. Visit zkSwap.finance/add and Add Liquidity to our ETH-USDC and/or USDT-USDC pool
  2. Visit zkSwap.finance/earn and click on “Join Pool” button of LP Boost Earning Pool to confirm. By pressing “Join Pool”, you register your address to our airdrop list. No signing or transaction required.
  3. Done. You don’t need to do anything else hereafter. It is automatically updated.

⭐ LP Boost: New Earning Pool to boost liquidity

Liquidity holds great significance for a decentralized AMM DEX like zkSwap Finance. Our last Galxe campaign received tremendous support from you, which we greatly appreciate. We understand that locking liquidity to mint NFTs can be challenging and requires trust and commitment on your part.

We have taken note of this feedback and are pleased to introduce a new liquidity boosting pool titled LP Boost that does not necessitate locking liquidity. You have the freedom to withdraw your funds anytime & any amount & any liquidity pool whenever you desire, unlike in the Galxe campaign.

Our last estimation (here) gives 90% return for 2 months locking liquidity. This number can be higher or lower depends on our initial Market Cap (and FDV), which is determined via our Token Generation Event (TGE) in August.

About 1.5%-2% $ZF Total Supply (15,000,000–20,000,000 ZF) will be airdropped for Liquidity Providers (including Galxe Zeus NFT Campaign Participants) (see Tokenomics). The final allocated percentage (1.5%-2% Total Supply of $ZF) depends on Total Value Locked.

By joining this pool, you also strengthen the 1st Swap2Earn platform zkSwap Finance. Your airdrop also increases in value together with the growth of the project.

⭐ To Galxe Liquidity Providers who helped bootstrap zkSwap

To keep fairness for zkSwap LP contributors who took part in our Galxe campaign (Zeus NFT Holders) as the liquidity was locked. Your Added Liquidity will be counted 50% more during Airdrop Allocation Finalization, which is planned in August or September.

For example: $1000 Added Liquidity during our last Galxe campaign will be counted as $1500.

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